Was lange währt wird endlich gut (?): letze Woche erschien das neue und erste major label Album Kendrick Lamars good kid, m.A.A.d. city. Aber schafft mit dem Album dass zu erfüllen, was man sich nach dem Vorgängeralbum Section 80 von ihm erhofft?
Good things come to those who wait (?): last week Kendrick Lamar dropped his new and first major label studio album good kid, m.A.A.d. city. But does this album deliver what's previous album Section 80 promises?
"In a state of hip-hop, where a large sum of rap is inflamed with made-strictly-for-wax, boastful raps of a luxurious lifestyle, Kendrick Lamar stands out for quite the opposite. " (Billboard)
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"In a state of hip-hop, where a large sum of rap is inflamed with made-strictly-for-wax, boastful raps of a luxurious lifestyle, Kendrick Lamar stands out for quite the opposite. " (Billboard)
Kendrick Lamars neues Album good kid, m.A.A.d. city sind nicht nur einfach aneinander gereihte Songs über das ausschweifende Leben eines Rappers. Nein, es erzählt eine Geschichte, ist ein Konzeptalbum. Das Album erzählt die Geschichte des Jugendlichen Kendrick Lamars, der einerseits mit seinen Kumpels ziellos durch die Straßen von Compton fährt, kifft, trinkt, freestylt und Mist baut und andererseits immer wieder zurückgezogen wird in das positive Umfeld seiner Familie. So schlagen in ihm zwei Herzen in einer Brust.
Das drückt er durch die lyrics, aber auch durch den Aufbau der Trackliste und der einzelnen Songs aus. Ständig wird er hin- und hergerissen, zwischen seiner Famile und seiner Freundin, die sich um ihn sorgen und dem negativen Einfluss seiner Freunde, die seine guten Vorsätze nicht ernst nehmen.
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Lamar, der im Gegensatz zu anderen in Compton Lebenden das Privileg hat, mit beiden Elternteilen aufzuwachsen, will mit good kid, m.A.A.d. city den älteren Generationen erklären, dass man eben nicht unbedingt in eine kriminelle Welt hineingeboren wird, sondern dass man einen negativen Lebensstil erst durch negative Einflüsse,Gruppenzwang und Langeweile entwickelt.
good kid, m.A.A.d. city könnte sich zu einem Klassiker entwickeln, einem "Vorzeigealbum" für wirklich gute Rap-Musik. Es ist in keinem Fall leicht verdaulich, es zwingt Einen zum zuhören und nachdenken, andernfalls kann man der Idee hinter dem Album kaum folgen. Es beweist aber auch, dass der Hype um Kendrick gerechtfertigt ist und die hohen Erwartungen, die im Vorfeld bestanden, erfüllt wurden.
Eine breite Rezension inklusive Inhaltsangaben der einzelnen Tracks, findet ihr auf der Website des Billboard-Magazins!
"In a state of hip-hop, where a large sum of rap is inflamed with made-strictly-for-wax, boastful raps of a luxurious lifestyle, Kendrick Lamar stands out for quite the opposite. " (Billboard)
Kendrick Lamars new album good kid, m.A.A.d. city is not just a sequence of random songs, describing the luxurious life of a rapper. No, it tells a story, it is a concept album. This album tells the story of the adolescent Kendrick Lamar, who cruises around aimlessly through the streets of Compton with his homies, smoking weed, drinking, freestyling and doing all sorts of foolish things. On the other side the album shows the family of Lamar who tries to pull him back and make him think about positive things as well. That two souls are residing within his breast.
He expresses that not only through his lyrics but also through the concept of the tracklist and the particular songs.
He is torn between his family and girlfriend on one side and his no-good friends who do not take his good intentions serious on the other side.
Lamar who, contrary to other inahbitants from Compton, grew up in a functional family, wants to show the older generations through good kid, m.A.A.d. city that people are not all born as criminals but develop a negative way of life through negative influence, peer-preasure and boredom.
good kid, m.A.A.d. city could become a true classic, an example for really good rap-music. It is not an easy-listening album, which songs you can skip through. It forces you to listen up and think about it, otherwise you have no clue what Kdot wants to tell you. But it also proofs that the hype around Kendrick Lamar is justified and that it measures up to everybody's expectations.
You can find detailed review at the website of Billboard magazine, including a summary of the particular songs!
"In a state of hip-hop, where a large sum of rap is inflamed with made-strictly-for-wax, boastful raps of a luxurious lifestyle, Kendrick Lamar stands out for quite the opposite. " (Billboard)
Kendrick Lamars new album good kid, m.A.A.d. city is not just a sequence of random songs, describing the luxurious life of a rapper. No, it tells a story, it is a concept album. This album tells the story of the adolescent Kendrick Lamar, who cruises around aimlessly through the streets of Compton with his homies, smoking weed, drinking, freestyling and doing all sorts of foolish things. On the other side the album shows the family of Lamar who tries to pull him back and make him think about positive things as well. That two souls are residing within his breast.
He expresses that not only through his lyrics but also through the concept of the tracklist and the particular songs.
He is torn between his family and girlfriend on one side and his no-good friends who do not take his good intentions serious on the other side.
Lamar who, contrary to other inahbitants from Compton, grew up in a functional family, wants to show the older generations through good kid, m.A.A.d. city that people are not all born as criminals but develop a negative way of life through negative influence, peer-preasure and boredom.
good kid, m.A.A.d. city could become a true classic, an example for really good rap-music. It is not an easy-listening album, which songs you can skip through. It forces you to listen up and think about it, otherwise you have no clue what Kdot wants to tell you. But it also proofs that the hype around Kendrick Lamar is justified and that it measures up to everybody's expectations.
You can find detailed review at the website of Billboard magazine, including a summary of the particular songs!
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